Friday, June 3, 2011

"Love You, Dad"

"Art is an action against death. It is a denial of death." ~Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor (1891-1973)

That may be because art expresses our acceptance of our inherent worthiness of life and love, in others and in ourselves. This declaration of worth is seen and felt not only in creativity, but in the simplest of daily "artful" interactions.

Last week, I received a text message from someone who hoped I "liked my new phone" and signed, "Love you, Dad." My heart skipped a beat and for a few moments I enjoyed pretending it was from my dad who passed on a few years ago. When I replied that "Dad" had the wrong number and I wished he was still around, the unknown texter replied that he was sending me a hello from my dad. I told him he had made my day...and then looked for the nearest box of tissues.

It was comforting and powerful to see how worthiness of love expressed in the art of kindness from a stranger can go so far as to cross even the seeming boundaries of death. Our heavenly Father must know how much we all need to feel this love and worth every day. Whether or not you're an artist, we all have creative opportunities to express and feel our worth for ourselves and for mankind.

So, consider this your text from "Dad"...and know how much you're loved, valued and accepted by your Heavenly Daddy, today.

"Love you, Dad"

PS. Special thanks to everyone's support, love and encouragement of me on this day, and every day! xoxo

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