"Springing-up Cows Everywhere", digital image...a possible future painting.
On the top right of my blog is a link to Ralph Marston's Daily Motivator, and a short synopsis of his daily theme. Today's insight on not having enough time to live our dreams is really helpful as many of us struggle to have more time to paint. Ralph says, "Instead of letting the time slip away, allow the best of your dreams to more fully unfold with each passing moment."
He reminds us to "Remember constantly who you really are and why you have chosen to go in the direction you’re going. Every thought, word and action that comes from your true purpose will draw great value from the moment you’re in. Whatever your age or situation, there’s plenty of time to live richly. And that time is here right now."
Click on the link here, or on my page to read the rest of his inspiring thoughts on the subject.
I find that it's not enough just to say this...you have to LIVE it. You have to create habits around what you want in your life. Twyla Tharp's book, "The Creative Habit" is a constant companion for me these days and I highly recommend her book if you struggle with having the time and courage to do all the things that are important to you...like painting.
Twyla also advises to really know who you are so that you know what you should NOT be doing as well.
Artist, Robert Genn suggests to try any dream or goal for an extended time period. If it proves fruitless, you have no regrets for not trying, and it at least moves you into the direction you need to go. He recommends having a minimum of a six month contract with yourself to try say, painting full time, or painting half a day, etc...and see where you land.
"As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I--something that is my life--the power to create." ~ Vincent van Gogh
"Feelings of creative joy and the consequent self-worth come from doing the work. We all ask Vincent's question: "There is something inside me--what can it be?" And we learn, "One must work and dare if one really wants to live." Are we up to this question and its answer? If it was easy to fulfill I think everyone would be artists." ~Robert Genn