Bull Creek 8x10" oil painted outside in Austin |
Watch Artists Paint on Location Across Kerr County
Thursday-Saturday, October 4-6, 2012
Quick Draw Competition & Downtown Block Party
An evening featuring art, music, WineShare,
dining and shopping Friday, October 5
5-8 pm Admission is Free
200 Block of Earl Garrett Street, Downtown Kerrville
"Wet Paint" Art Show
Opening Reception & Sale
Saturday, October 6, 6-8 pm
Kerr Arts & Cultural Center
228 Earl Garrett, Admission is free
The Kerrville Outdoor Painters Event (KOPE) is an exciting, casual 3-day fine art event in Kerrville. This juried event brings dozens of nationally-recognized outdoor painters to Kerr County to paint "en plein air," which refers to the style of painting "in the open air."
See the artists painting around the county and then visit the gallery at KACC
to see dozens of paintings created locally during the event.
Each painting surface is pre-stamped with the KOPE logo to ensure the work has been done at the event. Be part of the fun that is bringing artists from across the nation to paint our city!
If you can't make it to the opening reception, the paintings will be on exhibit at KACC
October 6 - November 3. Admission to the center is free!